Sunday, November 24, 2013

22 Weeks and Baby Names

As my belly grows bigger and more and more people are noticing that I am pregnant I often get asked if we have a name picked out. Garrett and I have decided that we don't want to choose a name until we meet him and make sure the name we pick is just right for our little one. When discussing names in the past we haven't always seen eye to eye so I thought picking a name would be difficult but the other day we sat down and looked at baby boy names and I was pleasantly surprised by how many names we both agreed on.  So we have started a list of possible names, I am sure that in the next 18 weeks names will be added and dropped but by the time this little bundle of joy is born we'll have the perfect name picked out.

So here is the list as of today: Elias, Mark, Marcus, Kelson, Hyrum, Oliver, and Carter

Which one is your favorite?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It's a..............Baby!

It's not a Winged Golden Stallion......

It's not a little princess......

It's a little Hero.....

Now this is not to say that girls can't be Hero's too, because I definitely feel like I've got some super power/ hero qualities.  This is just saying our little one is going to be a boy, an adventurer, and a little super hero! 

Anyone who has talked to Garrett and I about what we were hoping for know that we were thinking girl so you may ask if we are disappointed. I'm here to tell you that we are not!  We thought it would be fun to be the first ones on his side of the family to have a girl, that somehow it would feel more special.  But I don't care because we are having a boy and it is Our little boy and that makes him more special than anything!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Boy or Girl?

Tomorrow we go in for an ultrasound where we get to see this baby and hopefully find out the gender.  So I thought it would be fun to see what you think.  Here are some facts to help you make your guess: The baby is very active, always on the move. The heart rate is always above 140.  The nausea and exhaustion have never gone away.  I don't crave anything in particular, I just always want to eat.  My skin is more dry than usual except for my face which doesn't seem like there has been much change at all.  The Chinese gender chart says we are having a girl, what do you think?

What is your guess: a boy, a girl, or a winged golden stallion? free polls