So I colored my hair as most of you know and have seen but for those that haven't seen there are pictures... yes I was playing with my webcam again. Life is great, I had an awesome winter break, I had to work a lot but having no homework or tests to study for was stellar! Now I am back at school and it looks like I will have an extremely busy semester, I will definitely be writing a heck of a lot more than last semester and it will be intense but I can do it. Who doesn't love a challenge?
Well... Last night was pretty awesome, I know you all thought Nathan Summers and I were official before... but we weren't, no worries that phase is over. He asked me if I would be his girlfriend just last night, and it was super cute.... for the whole story you will have to talk to me ;) So I am now in a relationship where I am not dating other people... I've never done that before. But I'm excited He really is awesome!