For all those who have yet to see it I am now officially a blond! oooops :) I wanted a change and I have never tried blond before so I thought... why not. The most fun part about it, Garrett colored my hair for me! lol, pretty scary right, good thing I trust him so much!
I'm so excited for this summer I'll be in Maryland on May 1st (this Saturday) and I won't be back for like four weeks! I also am going to be a counselor for EFY, but not just two weeks like I originally thought, I now have six weeks this summer that I'll be there, I'm pretty stoked, I'm going to be a rockin counselor!
This week is finals week so maybe I should be stressing a little more... I just don't feel like it, so I've studied and prepared and I'm hoping that its enough because I'm sooooo ready for summertime! I have a final presentation today and on Thursday I have a music final and a dance final so its not too much to study for, last week was my crazy week this week is just wrapping things up! YAY for vacation time!