Sunday, October 27, 2013

18 Weeks

I'm now at 18 weeks and I am still feeling pretty sick, lots of heartburn, and lots of growing pains.  But I decided that my last post focused too much on those things and not enough on the things that I am so thankful for.  So here are just ten of the reasons I feel thankful today and with this pregnancy thus far!

1. Heavenly Father has entrusted me to take care of one of His children and even though this baby is still just about 1/2 a pound I know it has a divine lineage and I feel proud to be the one carrying this little pumpkin.

2. I have a job that has health insurance. I had to give up teaching preschool but I am so thankful that I had an job that I could turn to that has health insurance for me. Because having a baby costs lots of money.

3. I have such a supportive husband.  I have been crazy tired and way more emotional than usual and Garrett is there helping me every step of the way.

4. I have such an encouraging family.  I have so many sisters to turn to for advice and amazing parents and in laws that are all so supportive and excited for this baby to come.  This baby is truly going to be loved!

5. So far I have no restrictions on exercise except to be careful and listen to my body.  This means I can still Zumba and for this I am grateful! 

6. Fuzzy socks.  I really am so thankful that I have comfy, cozy, fuzzy socks to warm my cold feet as we haven't turned the heater on in our house yet to try and save money.

7. I know I already mentioned my husband but I'm grateful not only that he is supportive but also that he can almost always make me laugh.  I'm so thankful for the laughter in our home....... yeah,  he just came in here and did it again.  I don't think a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh.

8. Comfy clothing.  Who knew how comfortable maternity pants were, if I had known I would have started wearing them years ago.  Oh and a special thanks to a mother who bought me my maternity clothes.  

9. Soft toilet paper.  I've always had a small bladder but this pregnancy takes that to a whole new level.  I am so thankful for soft toilet paper because I sure do have to go potty often.

10. A scheduled ultra sound.  I am so excited to see my darling little baby and hopefully find out the gender!  We have the 20 week ultrasound scheduled for November 4th, that's only a week from Monday!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

16 Weeks

If you haven't watched the video in the last post, go watch it, watch it now!  And then proceed reading.

I've reached 16 weeks and I'm ready to let people know.  I am going to have a baby!  Garrett and I are so excited to become parents although this whole pregnancy thing is tougher than I thought.  People keep telling me that I should be getting my energy back any day now and the nausea will soon be a thing of the past but I am still waiting.

The other day I had someone ask me if I was excited to be pregnant and my initial reaction was an emphatic "Yes!" then I thought about it and I have to change my answer to "No, but I am soooo excited to be a mom!"  I didn't realize just how much energy growing a baby could take but I know every second will be worth it!

With this big change coming in March I've had to make some changes in my employment.  Yesterday was officially my last day at the preschool, for now, as I am going back to work for Myler Disability so that I can have better health insurance and afford to have this baby.  It is bittersweet as I absolutely love teaching and I will miss my students with all my heart but I know I'm doing what I need to do for my family.

I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves me and who has trusted me with the precious responsibility to care for one of His children.  I'm absolutely in love with this little one already and we haven't even met yet.

16 weeks down and 24 weeks to go!

The Video

The following link will take you to a video that Garrett made for a family reunion this summer and now for the first time ever it is available to the public!  Watch all the way to the end, that's where it really gets good!!179&authkey=!AAlor79-80JVGcs 

This summer we tried our hands at gardening and our pumpkins took over so Garrett was inspired to draw this piece...... well our pumpkins weren't the only inspiration, but you'll see after you watch it!