Since they done did learn me real good in high school I decided maybe I should try out some college edumacation. So far its going really good. UVU is a little bigger than Timpview but I think I am figuring it out. I have four classes. Math, History, Biology, and Human Development. I like all of my professors so far but I have to admit that my Biology class is quite dull so far... but who knows maybe one day James Price (the teacher) will surprise me and spice things up. I was taking a Public Speaking class but due to the complexity of traveling down 7 flights of stairs and across campus in ten minutes I decided I would take that another semester. I still have a full schedule with 13 credits so I think it will be a good intro to college life. I am excited about this new adventure and I am ready to work hard! And maybe I'll learn to get to bed on time in the process.
SISTERHOOD! Yes, yes! you do seem to be edumacated slightly well!
....Biology- Yes, David says you look bored in there.... him and Michael were watching you one day on the camera.... :P
It made them quite amuzed. :D
Too funny for words. You go girl.
Hey college girl!! How exciting and weird that you are in college. Stephen said not to expect anything great (and certainly not spicy) from your Bio teacher. And as for the getting to bed on time...I think college made me worse about that, although I was in the dorms so that didn't help things. :)
UVU and now a singles ward! My baby is about all growed up! and here I am typing while you are in the frontroom watching a movie with yes, everyone, 2 returned missionaries and forget going to bed early. She has no school tomorrow. But I do, so I am sneaking off to bed soon. April you are a fun light in our lives!!!! We love your enthusiastic, bouncy style.
Love, Mom
You definitely got the wrong biology teacher. My biology class was nothing near dull. Every day when I came to class the teacher had music playing. It was the first place I heard the song that goes "everybody was kung foo fighting." And his tests were super easy as long as you came to class and took notes. He was from Idaho and everything he taught had some kind of country boy twist to it. I remember when he taught us about the female reproductive cycle he called menstruation "cleaning out the barn." He was great. Too bad I don't remember his name so you could transfer into his class. Good luck this semester!
You are great. I just love ya. Keep up the good work.
Hey April,
I just tagged you, check out my blog for what to do.
April, you have been tagged! -Read my blog and you will know what to do.
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