Life right now is pretty chill... no school means no worries I guess. I got my grades back and they were way better than I was expecting..... A, A, A, A, A-..... yeah, I am pretty happy about that! :D that means I can keep my scholarship which means I can keep going to school! YAY. So the only thing I can really complain about in life right now is the fact that I really need to meet good guys..... guys that actually care about other people and not just about how good they look. haha, so if you have any suggestions then hook me up! ;) jk! no life is good. . . most of the time. :D
I'll keep my eyes open for you!
We have some nice missionaries here...haha. Other than that, I'll have to look around. :)
Way to go April! Those grades are AWESOME! Sorry, no good guys here. Bummer!
What a smartie! You can never go wrong with education. It will make you better at everything. As to the guys. The very best and the most wonderful is being prepared for you right now and you will be so glad when you look back to have been led by the spirit to just the right man. love ya tons!
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