You have probably all already seen these on facebook, but I could not resist posting a few of my favorites here on my blog as well! Thank you so much Rachel and Heidi they turned out amazing!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wedding Pictures
You have probably all already seen these on facebook, but I could not resist posting a few of my favorites here on my blog as well! Thank you so much Rachel and Heidi they turned out amazing!
Married Life
I've been meaning to post for a long time now about how incredible it is to be married to the man of my dreams, but each time I start to post something comes up and I say to myself, oh I'll finish it later. Not this time though! I'm sticking to it till I actually post something! So first of all being married to Garrett is so much fun, always an adventure. It seems there is never enough time to just slow down for a while but somehow we still make time to laugh and enjoy each others company. I love him so much. I'm pretty sure we are perfect for each other, even if things don't always go perfectly. He helps me study for tests, I help him with his art assignments. He'll hold me when my stomach hurts, which is more often than not. And he always does things to make me smile, things that let me know he really loves me. One day I came home and there was chocolate and flowers for me and a note calling me his "forever girl" and even this week I was feeling really overwhelmed with everything and he told me to not worry about the housework and when I came home pretty late from work he had cleaned up the apartment so I did not have to. Life is crazy and it seems like we are tired all the time and things aren't always perfect but each day I get a confirmation that the decision to be sealed to Garrett was right! We learn new ways to make each other happy each day and every day is a new adventure. I can't wait for tomorrow!.... which just happens to be the halloweenie roast! I'm excited... I have never actually been to one before!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
As the Wedding draws closer I look at my blog and realize I have posted nothing about how wonderful life is! Of course planning a wedding is crazy and slightly stressful at times, causing not just one cold sore but two.... and it felt like another was on the way but you know I won't let that happen so close to the big day! But along with all the stress I really am walking on sunshine, I'm up on cloud nine, and I'm experiencing this crazy thing called love. I thought that I had been in love before but I've never felt anything like this. It's a weird feeling to love someone so much that you long to serve them. That an easy way to make myself happy is to make Garrett happy. I really can honestly say that I would do anything for him and as amazing as feeling like that is. . . it really is an odd feeling as well.... maybe not so much odd, maybe it's just so incredible that it's hard to believe it is real! The great thing about all this is that Garrett feels the same way. I've had days of crazy nerves where I felt like "what the crap are we doing!" and wondering if we really should get married, but in the end I know its right, and I know I don't need to be scared because I know that as we work together with The Lord Garrett and I and the crazy thing called love will last forever!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ok so get this!
So I was talking to Garrett last night..... and I had to know..... so I asked "do you think it would ever be right between us?" and he told me this whole long story about what he had been thinking and feeling the last few days and about how he just wanted me and my love. So I told him that there were things that I would need for it to be right and I think he's going to make it right. The most important thing is that he reaches out to get to know the family, mom and dad specifically, and his plan is to go over and visit. We'll see what happens, I'm not sure how this will all play out but I feel so good right now. I feel smart, strong, close to the spirit, and I still feel great love for him and my family! I feel for the first time in a while that the things that I want and what is right can be the same thing!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Just Not Right
Just in case you haven't already heard Garrett and I broke up today. The last couple days have been a roller coaster of I don't knows and I love you's and in the end I finally figured out it just wasn't right. So today has been a day of ups and downs, my heart is hurting pretty bed but the pain comes in waves. Ultimately I feel good though, I know that this was the right thing to do and I know that the pain will go away! Thank goodness for the Spirit in my life to help show me what to do and give me such hope! Sorry I have not been the best daughter, sister, aunt, or friend the last eight months. I know I've been neglecting my family but you'll be glad to know I'm back.... or I will be when I have fully recovered!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Fun Change and Summertime!

For all those who have yet to see it I am now officially a blond! oooops :) I wanted a change and I have never tried blond before so I thought... why not. The most fun part about it, Garrett colored my hair for me! lol, pretty scary right, good thing I trust him so much!
I'm so excited for this summer I'll be in Maryland on May 1st (this Saturday) and I won't be back for like four weeks! I also am going to be a counselor for EFY, but not just two weeks like I originally thought, I now have six weeks this summer that I'll be there, I'm pretty stoked, I'm going to be a rockin counselor!
This week is finals week so maybe I should be stressing a little more... I just don't feel like it, so I've studied and prepared and I'm hoping that its enough because I'm sooooo ready for summertime! I have a final presentation today and on Thursday I have a music final and a dance final so its not too much to study for, last week was my crazy week this week is just wrapping things up! YAY for vacation time!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It's been a while
I have not blogged in a really long time life is absolutely CRAZY! but still way good. School is insane but I'm staying on top of things but the list of things due by the end of the semester is daunting. There are a lot of opportunities that have come up this semester. I am applying to go on an internship to China teaching children starting next January it is all expense paid and it would be an amazing opportunity so I'm hoping I get it, it is six months long though so its a little scary but I'm thinking it will be worth it. I Interviewed with the Institute people to be on Institute council and I'm pretty sure they are going to put me to work due to the fact that they said "we'll go over everything and we'll for sure put you to work but we're not sure where." This summer I'm for sure going to visit Susann and Frans but I might be nannying out there for them..... its not for sure though so don't tell anyone yet..... Life is exciting for sure! Garrett and I are doing great, everyday holds a new adventure with him and he is so supportive of the things I am pursuing. He is just becoming more and more amazing to me!
We went to St. George with our friends James and Kristen over Presidents Day weekend and had a blast, we cleaned like crazy at Kristen's grandma's house and had fun swimming, adventuring, getting the fire department called on us for having a fire in a fire pit. (the firemen seemed a little disappointed to find us roasting marshmallows when they really wanted to be putting out a fire)

We went to St. George with our friends James and Kristen over Presidents Day weekend and had a blast, we cleaned like crazy at Kristen's grandma's house and had fun swimming, adventuring, getting the fire department called on us for having a fire in a fire pit. (the firemen seemed a little disappointed to find us roasting marshmallows when they really wanted to be putting out a fire)

Friday, January 1, 2010
Winter Fun
It was a truly magical Christmas and New Years was one big party. There have been games, dancing, family fun, the most intensely exciting sledding experience ever, and lots of time with Garrett. I've been at work quite a bit but not nearly as much as last Christmas break! It's been a nice vacation from school, I just wish that I didn't have to go back quite so soon!
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