I have not blogged in a really long time life is absolutely CRAZY! but still way good. School is insane but I'm staying on top of things but the list of things due by the end of the semester is daunting. There are a lot of opportunities that have come up this semester. I am applying to go on an internship to China teaching children starting next January it is all expense paid and it would be an amazing opportunity so I'm hoping I get it, it is six months long though so its a little scary but I'm thinking it will be worth it. I Interviewed with the Institute people to be on Institute council and I'm pretty sure they are going to put me to work due to the fact that they said "we'll go over everything and we'll for sure put you to work but we're not sure where." This summer I'm for sure going to visit Susann and Frans but I might be nannying out there for them..... its not for sure though so don't tell anyone yet..... Life is exciting for sure! Garrett and I are doing great, everyday holds a new adventure with him and he is so supportive of the things I am pursuing. He is just becoming more and more amazing to me!
We went to St. George with our friends James and Kristen over Presidents Day weekend and had a blast, we cleaned like crazy at Kristen's grandma's house and had fun swimming, adventuring, getting the fire department called on us for having a fire in a fire pit. (the firemen seemed a little disappointed to find us roasting marshmallows when they really wanted to be putting out a fire)
Mom was telling me about these awesome opportunities! I think CRAZY exciting is a good way to describe it all! I can't wait to see how it all pans out!
We love the posts. We love the enthusiasm and the good girl that you are. We love the way you grip life and wring out the best of it. Hope all your good dreams come true!
Whoa...China sounds like a big decision. You are right: It has been way too long.
We're looking forward to having you here for as long as you choose to stay, and we think the longer the better:)
Mom was telling me about these awesome opportunities! I think CRAZY exciting is a good way to describe it all! I can't wait to see how it all pans out!
We love the posts. We love the enthusiasm and the good girl that you are. We love the way you grip life and wring out the best of it. Hope all your good dreams come true!
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