Sunday, March 9, 2014

37 Weeks

To be more accurate I am 37 1/2 weeks. I only have 2 weeks and 3 days left till this baby is due! We have the things that we need and just about everything is ready, we still need to pack the hospital bag but that should be done today.

In the last seven weeks I have been absolutely amazed at the generosity of my family and friends, I have been truly blessed with so many incredible people in my life! I will get around to thanking everyone personally for all the ways my life has been blessed because of the people Heavenly Father has surrounded me with but today I want to highlight my wonderful parents. Here are just 5 reasons why my parents are the best in the world:

1. They are always happy to pick up the phone and talk, even when my questions are silly or when I don't have any real reason to call at all.

2. They have completely spoiled me, I can't even begin to list all of the generous ways they have helped Garrett and I.

3. They have taught me the value of hard work. They are the hardest working people I know and it has blessed my life to have that example.

4. They have shown me how to serve others. Their example of Christ like service has been an inspiration to me, there is not a day that goes by that they aren't found serving the people around them.

5. They have shown me how a family works. Their love for each other has shown me how to build a lasting relationship and the loving way they have cared for each of their children has shown me how I want to raise my family.


Kathy said...

I would have to agree with 1-5! You do have awesome parents :)

Mom R said...

Today has been a bit hard. Not sure why but my spirits are not where they should be so opening your blog was a real shot in the arm even if it made me a bit weepy! You could say it cleaned out my dry eyes! ha ha. Dad and I love you back and know that you are a choice daughter. So glad we have all of our children. Such a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Family love and support through the good times and the not so good helps us all keep going.