Monday, February 25, 2008

Idaho Trip with Ballroom!

poor James.... its so tough being a thunderbird sad, sad boy!

Yay for syllabus and my partner Eric!

Team match! HOlla! Spirit award! Check!

The little drummer boy! chyea!

oooh, some more team spirit!

So Rick visited me whilst I was there, good times..... how did you he end up wearing my jacket.... nobody knows!

Well this is how is went! haha, I had tonz of fun but I'm definately glad to be home! We took first in the show routines with Thriller, 2nd in latin which I'm not in, we got jipped on our standard medley because the judges weren't impressed by our makeup and whatnot be I still feel really good about it, and we got 2nd in team match winning $75 and we won the spirit award getting another $100! YAY for free money!


Rachel said...

Congrats on the awards. And yikes about Rice wearing your jacket...

Kathy said...

Free money? I think you worked hard to get the prizes! Way to dance your heart out!