Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just Not Right

Just in case you haven't already heard Garrett and I broke up today. The last couple days have been a roller coaster of I don't knows and I love you's and in the end I finally figured out it just wasn't right. So today has been a day of ups and downs, my heart is hurting pretty bed but the pain comes in waves. Ultimately I feel good though, I know that this was the right thing to do and I know that the pain will go away! Thank goodness for the Spirit in my life to help show me what to do and give me such hope! Sorry I have not been the best daughter, sister, aunt, or friend the last eight months. I know I've been neglecting my family but you'll be glad to know I'm back.... or I will be when I have fully recovered!


Rachel said...

I love you April and I'm proud of you for following the promptings of the spirit, even though it means heartache for you right now! We miss you! Hope you're enjoying your time in Baltimore!

Susann Martin said...

I think you're the best sister! Thanks for cleaning my house and taking full responsibility of Sarah's needs. I don't know what I'll do when you go home.

Mom R said...

Dad and I are so proud of you and know the best is yet to come! Can't wait for you to get home!!!!!!