Sunday, November 24, 2013

22 Weeks and Baby Names

As my belly grows bigger and more and more people are noticing that I am pregnant I often get asked if we have a name picked out. Garrett and I have decided that we don't want to choose a name until we meet him and make sure the name we pick is just right for our little one. When discussing names in the past we haven't always seen eye to eye so I thought picking a name would be difficult but the other day we sat down and looked at baby boy names and I was pleasantly surprised by how many names we both agreed on.  So we have started a list of possible names, I am sure that in the next 18 weeks names will be added and dropped but by the time this little bundle of joy is born we'll have the perfect name picked out.

So here is the list as of today: Elias, Mark, Marcus, Kelson, Hyrum, Oliver, and Carter

Which one is your favorite?


Kathy said...

Lookin' good! I like all the names . . . but am really liking Oliver.

Mom R said...

I'm liking Oliver and Hyrum. They are all good names. It will be fun to see what the two of you decide on.