Sunday, March 10, 2013

Learning To Share

Garrett and I have been so blessed to have my family so close to us throughout our marriage and they have always been so willing to help us with our needs.  I mean my parents let us live in their basement for the first year and a half of our marriage (and would have let us stay longer if that is what we had chosen.)  The last few weeks we have been spoiled by my parents once again as they let us borrow their truck.  It was so nice to have two cars and not have to worry about who needed the car and when, but now it is Rachel and Brian's turn with the truck we are having to learn how to share all over again.  As hard as it is to have to make extra trips and try and figure out how I'm going to fit in three more Brainworks students and still be back in Provo in time to pick Garrett up from BYU I think it's secretly a blessing.  We had to really communicate this week just to get each other to work/ school on time and that opened channels of communication which, as anyone who's ever been in a relationship knows, is the key to a good relationship.  I knew I loved him before and I knew he loved me but this was just one of those weeks that really reminded me of how amazing we are for each other.  Sharing the car has taught us, and will hopefully continue to teach us: Communication as we work together to figure our who needs rides when, patience as we wait for the other person to pick us up, thoughtfulness as we are reminded that the other person is just as crazy busy as we are, and gratitude for each other and for a car that runs!
I love this man!

1 comment:

Mom R said...

Love the pictures and loved all the posts. You are an amazing woman and to think I get to be your mother! Wow that is so wonderful. I really want to use your example of prayer and being good enough for an article I'm writing. What do you think?